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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Tribal Tatoo Designer v1.6

Tribal tattoo designs are the most popular, although flowers, dragons, and other symbols make good tattoos as well. The lower back offers plenty of natural curves as well, which can arrange for an innovative tattoo. Many times, women tend to include tribals that spread, covering the base of their hips as well.

The colorful, more modern look is becoming more and more popular when compared to other designs. The old school designs of tattoos are also popular. Anchors and things like that are making a great comeback these days and not just with sailors. These designs were very popular and very common back in the 60s. They are rapidly getting back their demand, as women and men are getting swallows and anchor designs inked on them more and more. Lower back tattoos are the most common for women. The lower back is one of the most sexual and sensual areas on a female, making the ideal spot for a tattoo.

Dragon designs are another popular type of tattoo. They were popular in the past, and are now gaining their popularity again. There are a lot of varied dragons to pic from, including the mythical dragon and ancient Chinese dragons. Dragons are popular on the back for females and the chest for males. Dragon tattoos can be virtually any size, although most men tend to have them on one side of their chest or the upper region of their arms.

Download Tribal Tatoo Designer

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